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My name is Darius James and I am the founder of Go Back Yourself. 


What is Go Back Yourself? Is it another life coach wanting to help turn your life around? Is it another company which promotes the idea that a healthy diet equals a healthy mind?




Go Back Yourself specifically helps people who suffer from nerves and anxiety when under pressure. We specifically target people who need help with 


  1. Public Speaking – this could be presentations at work, or alternatively speeches at social events such as weddings.

  2. Interview Technique – whether its for an important job or for an interview for the University of their choice- we work on ways to guarantee good first impressions, and help prepare clients do the best they can under pressure, and be as relaxed and prepared as possible.


We work predominantly in 3 steps. 


  • Firstly, we simply analyze the initial source of the problem/s and create perspective. 

  • Secondly, we create a game plan that helps build confidence in their own ability. This covers a wide range of things due to it being specifically designed to each individual client and what they need to develop. It will contain technical elements as well as mindset shifts. 

  • And lastly, helping them put that plan into action. 



The idea of creating Go Back Yourself first originated several years ago after helping out a close friend who was suffering from anxiety when faced with a best man’s speech he had to prepare and deliver at a wedding. After giving him some advice and coaching him through the speech he nailed it.  Afterwards he expressed how thankful he was and that if it wasn’t for me he wouldn’t have been able to go through with it. It was here that I first realised the serious significance of ‘Stage Fright’ in everyday life. 


Due to my personal experience being an actor, and performing from a young age, I myself have dealt with various waves of nerves and anxiety. Whether its onstage or just in the audition room there have been many times where I’ve had to rely on a game plan to get the best out of myself.  


Having developed various skills throughout the years about the voice, the art of engagement, the effect uncontrollable nerves can have on performance, I’ve been able to create a bulletproof philosophy that has so far helped many different clients conquer their fears. 

If you currently feel like theres something you want overcome and achieve, and feel I will be able to help you, call us for a free consultation. We will soon be working together to create the ultimate confidence game plan for you.


Darius James

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